Browse Wines

2021 Rosapasso Pinot Nero, Biscardo

2021 Rosapasso Pinot Nero, Biscardo

Ref: BISC210
Rosé  |  Still  |  12% ABV

Wine Variety: Pinot Nero is simply the Italian for Pinot Noir. The Pinot family has been documented for many centuries, over which time a great deal of clonal diversity has developed. The many different clones were regarded as separate varieties, but it has now been found that black-, pink-, white-berried clones and all others share the same genetic code and, indeed, one can find Pinot vines bearing fruits of differing colours. The origins of Pinot are so distant as to be unclear, but it is thought to be closely related to a vine that was domesticated directly from the wild. What is certain is that Pinot is one of the European "mother" varieties and from it, Savagnin and Gouais Blanc many of our modern varieties had their origins.

Wine Region: The Veneto lies around the city of Venice and stretches up to the Austrian border, west to Lake Garda. Some pretty dodgy soils have been permitted DOC (Denominazione di Origine Controllata) status: low-lying arable fields used for cereal production before the war. Thus there is a great deal of average wine produced here that qualifies for rather grander status than it deserves. However, the wines of Valpolicella and Soave - where the vineyards are planted on the right slopes - can offer real interest.

Wine Producer: This is an old firm, started by a Veronese family in the late 19th century to compliment their textile business. Biscardo have been exporting wine to the UK since the 1930s. 

  • Wine Details
  • Tasting Notes
  • Sweetness Explained
  • Location Explained
  • Pricing Information
Wine Details
Wine Details
ProducerProducer: Biscardo
Old or New WorldOld/New World: Old World
CountryCountry: Italy
ColourColour: Rosé
StyleStyle: Still
ABV% ABV: 12%
Drink DatesDrink Dates: 2022-2023
MaturityMaturity: Daily Drinker
SweetnessSweetness: 1
Grape VarietyGrape Variety: Pinot Noir
Tasting Notes
Tasting Notes

Super-pale in the glass: an embarrassed white wine, perhaps. No need to be ashamed of the nose here, however. It offers much in the way of raspberry and apple fruit, with hints of spice. It’s a ripe thing to smell. Scents of summer! The palate is delightfully fresh and carries all through it a thread of wonderfully fresh acidity, which adds a zesty, citrus sensation. It’s nicely long, too. One could drink this all night long and with enormous pleasure.

#3wordtastingnote: raspberry, citrus, summer

Sweetness Explained
Sweetness Explained


All our wines are given a Sweetness Indicator from 1 to 5, with 1 being the driest and 5 being the sweetest.
This can be found for every wine under the Wine Details tab. 

Most red wines are dry and therefore are indicated with a 1. The sweetness becomes more relevant with white wines, sparkling wines and pudding/dessert wines such as Sauternes and Tokaji.


Location Explained
Location Explained


AVAILABLE: Currently lying in our storage at London City Bond Dinton Woods 
The wine can be dispatched immediately.

TO ARRIVE: Currently lying abroad or in transit 
When the wine arrives in the UK, we will contact you to confirm that it has been dispatched in accordance with your instructions. If the arrival date is important to you, please do contact us for further information. 


Pricing Information
Pricing Information


UNDER BOND PRICES: Exclusive of UK Duty & VAT
Wines can be purchased Under Bond for storage in a bonded warehouse, or for export.
Duty and VAT must be paid before delivery to a UK address can take place.

DUTY PAID PRICES: Inclusive of UK Duty & VAT
Wines for UK delivery can only be purchased Duty Paid. 

Additional Information

A majority of our wines are sold under bond and are listed with under bond pricing; a duty paid equivalent price is shown underneath on the Wine Details page, purely for illustrative purposes.

If a wine is being listed duty paid, only the duty paid price is shown. Duty Paid wines have been removed from Bonded Storage and cannot be returned to an Under Bond status. They can be stored in a professional warehouse but will be stored Duty Paid. 



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